With the news of Red Giant BulletProof v1.0 shipping imminently, I wanted to share a link to a video that sums up BulletProof quite nicely. Positioned as a tool for filmmakers that fills the gap between the camera and the editor, BulletProof is as powerful and compelling as it is simple and elegantly designed. Personally, I am no pro shooter, but I use BulletProof to manage all my GoPro footage. It's changed the way I shoot GoPro, let alone how I manage my footage.
But take a look at the About BulletProof video here. If you haven't tried it, you should... It's still in free public beta. v1.0 will be shipping soon, and for $199, it's kind of a no-brainer. But I'd love to hear what you think once you've tried it.